We implement a diverse array of social development projects that introduce innovative ideas to inspire individuals, helping them embrace modern lifestyles and stay abreast of ongoing advancements. Additionally, we spearhead various environmental initiatives, fostering a culture of responsibility and active participation among community members. Our goal is to instill a sense of environmental stewardship, recognizing each person as an integral part of our global population of 7 billion.

Our Projects

Yearly Running Festival

Active since 2015, this project has been conducted annually, catering to individuals of all ages. Additionally, we periodically organize marathons to further engage the community.

World environmental Day WED

Since 2015, we have celebrated World Environment Day, introducing a new cultural awareness and embedding environmental consciousness into the minds of our community members.

Mobile Green Library 

The Mobile Green Library is the first of its kind in the country in decades, bringing literature and learning to our community on the move.

Public Library 

Our public library is a spacious and inviting venue, offering a serene environment for reading and a wide selection of books available for borrowing.

Culture House 

The Culture House is a vast space dedicated to various cultural activities, including drawing, poetry, storytelling, and scientific pursuits. It encompasses a wide range of possible activities and houses the public library within its walls.

Traffic signs  

Anew step to let the people in our country taking care of the traffic rules and traffic signs

Book Monument

As apart of our interest in readings for that we bill this monument for book as a reminder for every one that the reading is the first way to develop new creative ideas 

Women Empowering 

Without of the other half of the society the life will never develop to the best

Civil Society Dialogue   

You can develop your self and your society when you use the Dialogue language

Public Cinema 

While the main cities in Iraq lost the cinema houses, we built our cinema in the heart of the village

Puppet Theatre 

The childhood will grow perfectly when you built every things in the right way

Let's work together!