We envision a society where every individual is entitled to growth through knowledge, enlightenment, and active participation.

نحن نؤمن بمجتمع يحق فيه لكل فرد النمو من خلال المعرفة والتنوير والمشاركة الفعّالة

What we do

Empowering People

Providing sustainable solutions for local development.

Youth Education

Supporting youth education through innovative programs.

Working towards a greener and cleaner environment.

Environmental Initiatives

Women Empowerment

woman should take her right place in our life

Sign Language Assistant

Helping youth with hearing disability 

Healthcare Outreach

Improving Access to Healthcare Service

Beat News Social TV channel, USA 

Empowering Communities

Assable Foundation was founded in 2016 with main focus on Social and Environmental Development. We work tirelessly to empower communities through sustainable projects and initiatives.

Empowering People and communities

We strive to uplift people and communities by providing aid, support, and sustainable solutions for a brighter future.

Healthcare project In Albunahidh Village

Encourage people to make the common premedical test and Guide them on how to maintain health by controlling many parameters like weight, food type , quality and quantity and push them to use different types of light sports 

Education, Public Library In AlBunahidh Village 

Enabling educational opportunities for children and adults through established methods such as public libraries, mobile libraries, and various festivals etc.

Sustainable Development In Albunahidh Village 

The environment is a key focus for us. We encourage people to plant various types of trees, conserve water, and celebrate World Environment Day. We were the first to observe this important day in our area, as it was previously overlooked, even in government programs.

Get involved

Be the Change with Assable Foundation

Unlock your potential, make a difference in society, and create lasting impact by joining Assable Foundation's mission. Experience meaningful volunteer opportunities and projects that ignite passion and inspire change.

Some Pictures of our work